Soar on Eagle's Wings Paint Party
Have you always wanted to learn to paint but thought you can't or aren't good enough? Come join us for a fun time to mingle with other...

Drive Thru Prayer
Jesus commanded us to go: Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give....

Art Auction for Cambodia Missions
Would you like to contribute to Cambodia Missions & beautify your home in the process, then this is an opportunity for you. Click the...

Website Update & WiX Spaces App
We have done a major website overhaul. Please click on the image below to check it out. MBCC Website Home Upcoming events, calendar with...

Youth & Young Adults Event
Good afternoon Brothers & Sisters. I've had the luck of being able to get the Creation Ministries team to come speak at my youth on the...