In the Beginning – lessons from Genesis 1 (Genesis 1:1-5, 24-27)
“In the Beginning – lessons from Genesis 1” Genesis 1:1-5, 24-27 A 10-year old girl asked her father, “Where do humans come from?” Her...
The Life of Joseph (8) - "Forgiveness & Reconciliation" (Genesis 43:1-14 & 45:1-7)
Lessons from the Life of Joseph (8) “Forgiveness & Reconciliation” Genesis 43:1-14 & 45:1-7 Last week we were reminded that God sometimes...
The Life of Joseph (7) - "Character & Conscience" (Genesis 41:41-42:38)
Lessons from the Life of Joseph (7) “Character & Conscience” Genesis 41:41-42:38 The Pharaoh and all his officials were deeply impressed...
The Life of Joseph (6) - "From Prisoner to Prime Minister" (Genesis 41)
Lessons from the Life of Joseph (6) “From Prisoner to Prime Minister” Genesis 41 After many long years Nelson Mandela was released from...
The Life of Joseph (5) - "God's Time, God's Plan" (Genesis 40:1-23)
Lessons from the Life of Joseph (5) “God’s Time, God’s Plan” Genesis 40:1-23 Last week we saw how Joseph was given a free, one-way ticket...
The Life of Joseph (4) - "Suffering for Doing Right" (Genesis 39:16-23 & 40:1-15)
“Suffering for Doing Right” Genesis 39:16-23 & 40:1-15 Have you ever been falsely accused of something? How did you feel? I read about a...
The Life of Joseph (3) - "Success & Temptation" (Genesis 39:5-15 & 1 Corinthians 1
Lessons from the Life of Joseph (3) “Success & Temptation” Genesis 39:5-15 & 1 Corinthians 10:11-13 Joseph made the decision to trust...
The Life of Joseph (2) - "Triumphing in Trial" (Genesis 37:23-36 & 39:1-7)
Lessons from the Life of Joseph (2) “Triumphing in Trial” (Genesis 37:23-36 & 39:1-7) Last week we began our series of messages looking...
The Life of Joseph (1) - "A Family Divided" (Genesis 37:1-28)
Lessons from the Life of Joseph (1) “A Family Divided” Genesis 37:1-28 Joseph was a young man of only seventeen. Already in his life he...
The Failure of Human Scheming and the Triumph of God's Grace (Genesis 27:1-28:22)
The Failure of Human Scheming and the Triumph of God's Grace The Life of Jacob 2 Genesis 27:1- 28:22 The Bible is an amazing book. It...
Noah and the Flood (Genesis 6:5-22; 7:1-5,17-8:5)
Noah and the Flood Genesis 6:5-22; 7:1-5,17-8:5 Last week we studied how sin came into the world and how Adam and Eve were expelled from...
Things Go Badly Wrong - the Fall (Genesis 3:1-24)
Things Go Badly Wrong – the Fall Genesis 3:1-24 Genesis chapter 3 is one of the saddest, yet one of the most important, chapters in the...
God Makes Man & Marriage (Genesis 2:4-25)
God Makes Man & Marriage Genesis 2:4-25 Today is a special Sunday as we are all together for a Family Service. So Mums and Dads I hope to...
The Creator and Creation (Genesis 1-2:3)
Studies in Genesis The Creator and Creation Genesis 1-2:3 Where do you come from? This is a question we often hear in a multi-cultural...
Come, Follow Me (Matthew 4: 18-20)
Joke on gas men Jesus came to earth not just to save people but to make disciples. Jesus’ heart is not just to save you and leave it as...