other projects
Other Projects
The aims of our Mission's Programme include:
Praying for those involved in Christian service, both locally and overseas
Mobilizing human and financial resources for mission & ministries of compassion
Giving financially to chosen mission agencies and Christian-based NGOs
Supporting and encouraging overseas workers (missionaries, pastors, & Christian professionals)
In addition to KiwiLink we actively support agencies such as the Bible Society, Scripture Union, OMF International and the Jian Hua Foundation.
We also have supported projects of the Jian Hua Foundation such as the Rainbow Homes of Hope (family-sized homes for orphans) in Yunnan Province, Bright Future, a Life Skills training programme for university students in Tianjin, north China, and a water project in a Tibetan area of Qinghai Province in west China.
Our former Pastor is Chairman of the Jian Hua Foundation (NZ) Trust Board and also serves on the NZ Board of RBC Ministries an organization that produces Our Daily Bread, a devotional daily Bible reading aid as well as many other excellent materials on a wide range of topics. He is an advisor (& former trustee) of Inspirational Media (NZ) www.inspirational.org.nz/ .
MBCC supports Simon & Alison North serving with OMF in Japan. They are seen on the right at a church picnic in Japan.